Ethylene Glycol
As fall approaches, we all start thinking about “winterizing.” So, today’s blog is written as a reminder of the dangers in preparing for col

Urinary Tract Infections
Typically, the clinical signs of a bladder infection include frequent urination, straining to urinate, being unable to hold urine/having acc

Dog Flu
Two forms of the disease are seen. With the mild form, dogs often present with a soft, moist cough that persists for 10 – 30 days, and some

How to feed a Diabetic Dog
One of the most important aspects of feeding your diabetic dog is to feed consistent meals at fixed times each day. Ideally, each meal shoul

Canine Cushing’s Syndrome
You may be asking – what is Cushing’s Syndrome? Well, there are several disease syndromes that are caused by over-production of endogenous c

Diabetes Mellitus Part 2 - Insulin Therapy
Most insulins cause glucose concentrations to decrease until they reach their nadir (lowest point), and then as the insulin wears off, the g

Diabetes Mellitus: Part 1
Type I or insulin dependent DM is characterized by an absolute deficiency of insulin secretion. This is the type of diabetes seen in dogs. T

Scooby Doobie Doo
Increased numbers of pet intoxications have been reported with the increase in use and acceptance of cannabis, and the Pet Poison Helpline h

Immunization Awareness Month: Canine Vaccines
Puppies need vaccines every 3 weeks starting at 6-8 weeks of age until they are 16-20 weeks. This allows them to develop immunity to disease

Immunization Awareness Month: Feline Vaccines
Now that we have talked about the frequency of administration, you are probably wondering what this vaccine is actually preventing. Feline v